Joint Commission of Lecturers and Students 

At the departmental level, the Joint Commission, composed of faculty and students, is established.
Tasks of the Joint Commission are:
(a) to carry out monitoring activities of the educational offerings, the quality of teaching and the effectiveness of the educational activities and the choices made;
b) to formulate non-binding opinions on the establishment of new courses of study;
c) analyze, with the help of appropriate indicators, the opinions expressed by students on individual teachings, on other didactic-training activities and on courses of study as a whole;
d) develop proposals for the Departmental Council for the improvement of the effectiveness and quality of the teaching services;
e) to prepare an annual report broken down by Courses of Study, taking into consideration the overall of the educational offerings of the Department, with particular reference to the results of the survey of the opinion of students, indicating any problems of individual CdS.

To consult the composition of the Joint Committee of the Department of Political and Social Sciences, refer to the following link:

The annual reports of the Joint Commission can be accessed at this link.